When you use our website (the “Website”), cookies are stored on your computer. Cookies are small text files that are saved on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device, depending on the internet browser that you use. 

Cookies contain a unique code enabling their issuer to recognise the terminal in question (your computer or your mobile device) each time the Website is visited.

Cookies may be placed on the server of the website that you visit (“source cookies”) or by the partners with which that website collaborates (“third-party cookies”).

Cookies cannot execute programs or transfer viruses onto your computer. 



When you visit our Website for the first time, a cookies banner will be displayed that will allow you to consent or refuse to accept these cookies. 

You can change your preferences at any time by clicking on the Cookies Management link at the bottom of each page or by clicking directly on the following link: Manage cookies.

You can also block and delete cookies by changing your browser settings. The configuration of each web browser is different. Please refer to the links below, which provide you with a guide to configuring your cookies settings.


• For Chrome™: 

• For Internet Explorer™:  

• For Firefox™: 

• For Safari™:

• For Opera™:

Please note that if you disable the storing of cookies, you may not have access to the full functionality of our Website. 

For more information on how to manage, authorise or block cookies, please visit: 



Technical and functional cookies (mandatory)

We use so-called “technically necessary” cookies on our Website. Technically necessary cookies are required in order to enable our Website to function correctly. They make our Website functional by enabling certain basic functionalities such as navigating the different pages of the Website and access to secure areas of Website. 

These cookies do not require your consent.

More information on the technically necessary and functional cookies used on our Website is provided in the table below:



Type of cookie

Description/ purpose


180 days


Random ID used to identify a non-registered buyer or a buyer that is no longer connected independently of the session. For example, it is used to track basket and order activity and for analysis. It is not used for any activity occurring after the buyer registers an account. The * in the cookie name is a unique Website value.


Current session


Identifies the browser session in progress.


Current session


Identifies the browser session in progress. It is used by the Salesforce reference architecture (SFRA) to determine if the content element of the cookie indicator should be displayed. Used only by SFRA and by customisation.


Current session


Used with dwsid to secure the session via HTTPS. The * in the cookie name is a unique Website value.


180 days


Identifies a registered buyer. Used only when the buyer selects Remember me (an optional feature of the Website). The * in the cookie name is a unique Website value.


Current session


Controls the client-side JavaScript for Commerce Cloud (Analytics, Einstein and ActiveData) tracking functionalities. Commerce Cloud sets it with each page response, based on the value of the corresponding session attribute TrackingAllowed. The value of this cookie always corresponds to that of the cookie Einstein __cq_dnt.


Current session


Stores the following data for analysis purposes: Session ID, report suite name, buyer’s client ID, source code group ID (encrypted), currency mnemonic, and time zone. The * in the cookie name is a unique Website value.


180 days


Tracks participation in A / B test groups for analysis purposes. If the buyer participates in a test, the value is deleted when the buyer logs out. The * in the cookie name is a unique Website value.


Varies from 0 to 999 days


Stores the source code for campaign and affiliate tracking. The * in the cookie name is a unique Website value.




Transfers certain Analytics-related data to the front end, such as data for searches without results.


30 days


Assists Cloudflare to detect malicious visitors to clients’ Websites and minimise the blocking of legitimate users. Can be used on the devices of the clients’ end users to identify the individual clients behind a shared IP address and can apply security parameters for each client. This is not necessary to support Cloudflare security functionalities. Consult the Cloudflare documentation for more details about this third-party cookie.


Current session


Hashed ID for an unregistered shopper.


Current session


Hashed ID for a known shopper.


13 months


This cookie stores a random and unique user ID.


Current session


Holds the queue of browser activities until they are sent.


Current session


If sessionStorage is not available, contains the most recently viewed recommendations until they are sent.


Current session


If sessionStorage is not available, contains the products in the most recent search results until they are sent.


Current session


If sessionStorage is not available, contains the products in the most recently viewed category page until they are sent.


Current session


If sessionStorage is not available, contains the anchor products for recommendations on a page.


Current session


Detects the root domain on the page.


30 days


First-party version of the bc cookie. Contains activity history, such as the last 10 products viewed by the shopper.


30 days


Contains predictive shopping analytics and other predictive segmentation attributes.


12 months


Indicates that the browser has opted out of CC Einstein tracking for this site. Commerce Cloud sets it with each page response based on the value of the corresponding session attribute TrackingAllowed. The value of this cookie always matches that of the Storefront dw_dnt* cookie.


Current session


(Session storage object) Tests whether sessionStorage is available.


Current session


(Session storage object) Contains anchor product IDs.


Current session


(Session storage object) Contains the most recently viewed recommendations.


Current session


(Session storage object) Contains products from the most recent search results.


Current session


(Session storage object) Contains products from the most recently viewed category page.


30 days


Contains inferred shopping propensity attributes. Third-party cookie set on


30 days


Third-party version of the first-party __cq_uuid cookie set on Contains a randomly generated user ID. Used to track data for analytics purposes, including Commerce Cloud's own analytics as described in the Trust & Compliance documentation, such as Commerce Cloud Reports and Dashboards.


30 days


Contains activity history, such as the last 10 products viewed by the shopper. Third-party cookie set on


Current session


Tracks the recommendation request so that a click can be attributed to it.


Current session


Tracks the contextual bandit response so that a click can be attributed to it.


Optional cookies 

Optional cookies are used on the Website subject to your consent. These cookies are placed by third parties located in the United States, meaning that acceptance of these cookies could result in the processing of your data in the United States. By accept the use of the respective Google services listed below, you are also consenting to the processing of your data in the United States. The United States is considered by the European Court of Justice to be a country in which the level of data protection is insufficient according to EU standards. In particular, there is a risk that your data will be processed by US authorities for control and surveillance purposes, potentially with no possibility of appeal. If you have not consented to the use of these Google services, the transfer described above will not take place.

  • Third-party services: Google 

If you have given your consent, we use the services of third-party service provider Google for Google Analytics and Google Fonts, Google Ads. 

Information related to the third-party service provider: 

Audience measurement cookies: We use Google Analytics to analyse and improve our Website on a regular basis. We may use the statistics obtained to improve our offering and make it more attractive to you as a user. If IP anonymisation is activated on this Website, Google will shorten your IP address in the European Union member states and in other member states of the European Economic Area. Your full IP address will only be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there in exceptional cases. 

  • Cookies placed by Hotjar: 

We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our users and optimise our Website. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g., how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, general navigation habits, etc.) and this enables us to improve our service. The data collected by Hotjar through cookies relate to the behaviour of users and their devices (in particular the IP address of the device captured and stored in anonymised form only), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only) and the preferred language used to display the website. Hotjar stores this information in a pseudonym user profile. For more information, please consult Hotjar’s Privacy Policy. You can opt-out of the creation of a user profile, Hotjar’s storing of data about your usage of our Website and Hotjar’s use of tracking cookies on other websites by following this opt-out link.

  • Cookies placed by our advertising partners: 

These cookies make it possible to identify your areas of interest and therefore to offer you relevant advertising content when you browse other websites. 

If you do not allow these cookies, you will be subject to less targeted advertising.

  • Social network cookies:

By browsing our Website, you can click on the “social network” buttons to consult our Facebook®, LinkedIn® and Instagram® profiles. 

These third-party applications may place cookies to provide you with targeted advertising. By clicking on the icon corresponding to the social network, the latter is likely to identify you. If you are connected to the social network while browsing our Website, the sharing buttons allow you to link the content viewed to your user account.

We cannot control the process used by social networks to collect information about your browsing on our Website. We therefore invite you to consult their personal data protection policy in order to know their purpose of use as well as the browsing information they may collect.

Please find more information about the optional cookies used on our Site in the table below:

Third party host

Type of Cookie

Cookies (name)



Targeted advertising


180 days


Targeted advertising


26 months



Google Analytics

26 months



Hotjar pixel

365 days




180 days


Targeted advertising


180 days













The legal basis for the use of technical and functional cookies is Article 6 1. f) of the GDPR, namely our legitimate interests. 

The legal basis for the use of optional cookies is, where applicable, your consent in accordance with Article 5.3 of the e-Privacy Directive. The legal basis for further processing of the data collected through these cookies is your consent in accordance with Article 6 1. a) of the GDPR.

You may withdraw your consent at any time. This withdrawal is valid for the future without retroactive effect. Your choice is recorded for a period of 6 months. You can change your preferences at any time by clicking on the “Cookies Management” link at the bottom of each page of our Website. 



Pursuant to the Irish Data Protection Act 2018, the Irish ePrivacy regulation 2011, as amended, and to the GDPR, you have a right to access, rectify, oppose, delete and limit the data collected by cookies and other tracers. For more information on your rights and how to exercise them, please consult our Privacy Policy, accessible at the bottom of each page of our Website. 

To exercise your rights, please contact us at the addresses indicated below. 



For questions related to your rights and/or our Cookies Policy, you may contact us: 

- by post at the following address: Bollé Brands (France), 34 rue de la Soie, 69100 Villeurbanne, France

- by e-mail at



We may update the Cookies Policy from time to time.  We recommend that you carefully read it on a regular basis to stay informed of our privacy practices


This Cookies Policy was last updated on November 4th, 2021.