Lens material
Occupational risks: assess them properly to select the right protection. The selection of eye protection is part of your duty as an employer. It is important to clearly identify the types of risks present in order to provide each employee the suitable equipment and to check that the risks, directives, standards and markings on the protection are all in line with each other.
Prescription safety eyewear, why prefer it to OTG ?
When considering safety eyewear, employees with vision problems are faced with a challenge: Using prescription safety eyewear or over the glasses on top of their equipment. Here are a few reasons why we believe prescription safety eyewear are a better fit for you.
The standard for ballistic eyewear on the battlefield
In the world of safety eyewear, ballistics means military-grade impact protection. What is the difference between ballistic and safety eyewear for civilians? Read more about the standards and certifications in this article.
Sustainability is key
Environmental, Social and Governance factors (ESG) are of a heightened concern for corporations to be sustainable long term. What is ESG and why it is so important for companies.
The ever-present eye threats in tactical settings
Many tactical settings present a variety of risks to the eyes. The appropriate eye protection is a must for survival in these harsh environments.
Types of prescription lenses
Single vision, progressive or varifocal, bifocal, degressive and free form lenses
At a time when more than one in three people around the world have vision problems, eye protection in the workplace can quickly become a challenge. Find out more about vision problems